"Yeah but it probably is me," Len suggested thoughtfully. " Remember we were having sex without any protection for years and you didn't fall pregnant until those other guys were with you. And Matty's obviously not mine -- as we both know."
"He is yours. He's ours!" Catherine argued with emotion.
"Yes of course he's ours, and I love him like my own son but there's no doubt who his biological father is. That's all I'm saying."
There was silence for a while before Len spoke again. "I might go and see a doctor this week and get checked out... There might be something I can do."
"Really?" Catherine said, smiling fully that time.
"Yes, really!" Len assured, squeezing his wife's hand. "I should have done it years ago."
"Well okay!" Catherine chirped. "Now I'm happy!"
There was another period of silence before Len spoke again. "So we're good now?" He glanced with a cheeky smile.
"Yes we're good," Catherine responded quizzically. "Why?"
"Well you know how you were saying you always wanted to try sleeping with two men... And you know how I did that for you even though it was kind of weird with another guy in the bed?"
Catherine smiled through her blush. "Yes. So?"
"Well, we'll be coming up to that rest stop soon and I've always wondered how it would feel to get a blowjob through a hole in the wall."
Catherine laughed. "Well, that guy might be there again if you're lucky."
"Yeah, sure, but I was sort of thinking you might like to do it for me... I don't think I could come at another guy down there -- pardon the pun."
"Well, I guess if you promise to go to the doctor as soon as we get home... Like tomorrow that is!"
Len had a big grin. "I promise..."
A little later the rest stop came into view with one car parked. They pulled up and waited. There was a woman in the car and after a few minutes a man and young boy came from the men's toilet.
"Come on," Len said, leading Catherine down the path.
"Okay, but go in and make sure there's no one there."
Len checked and then pulled his wife inside. She went into the stall and closed the door. Len unzipped and fed his cock through the hole... It was an incredible sensation to feel the warmth of Catherine's mouth and he gained an erection instantly. "Wow," she giggled. "That's impressive."
The hole was big enough for her to lick and suck his balls a little and she did that while stroking with her soft little fingers. She brought Len along and had him surging towards climax when a fat guy in shorts and a t-shirt appeared at the door to the stall. Len was startled by his presence but it was too late and he started cumming hard.
"You all done there?" the guy asked. He was feeling his cock through his greasy shorts, thumbing the head and working it. Len backed out of the stall and saw the fat guy feed his cock through the hole. There was a moment where time paused and then Len came out of shock and was about to tell the guy to forget it. But the guy suddenly gripped the top of the wall. "Awe f*ck yeah," he groaned, and he pressed his gut hard over the hole trying to get his full length through.
Len backed away and stayed at the wash basin listening to the slurping and sucking sounds until the guy let out a loud groan that signalled he was finally ejaculating.
He walked past Len and returned to his truck. Once back in the car Len asked his wife the obvious. "So... did he cum in your mouth?"
"Uh huh."
"And did you swallow like a good little gloryhole slut?"
Catherine smiled out her window. "Of course..."
There was another period of silence before Len spoke again. "You know that guy who is obviously Matty's biological father, sweetheart... I was thinking - what about if we got together with him again... Maybe see about giving Matty a full brother or sister?"
It took Catherine a while to respond, and what she said was measured. "How would you feel about that?"
"I've actually thought about it before," Len confessed, and that caused his wife to turn in her seat and look at him.
"Have you really?" she asked softly. "I have too... Lots of times!"
"So why don't we?" Len went on. "But just with him and not like last time."
"Yes -- just with him," Catherine enthused. "We could call him as soon as we get home, and maybe next weekend..."
"Is that the right time?" Len asked. "Next week?"
"It's perfect! I'll have to watch my temperature to know for sure but it should be exactly next weekend."
"Okay then," Len smiled. "I'll give him a call and probably scare the hell out of him with news of little Matty."
Matt Sydney sat his horse on the edge of the cliff overlooking the ocean. He had spent the morning working racehorses and was enjoying a relaxing ride on his favourite, old Milo. His cell phone rang and he flipped it open. "Hello!"
"Hello. Is that Matt?"
"Yes. Speaking..."
"Yeah, Matt, It's Len, Catherine's husband. Do you remember we spent some time with you at a horse farm a few years ago?"
"Hell yes, I remember! Jesus! How are you? How's Catherine?"
"Good! Real good... We actually have some news for you... After our visit it turned out Catherine was pregnant, and we think -- well, actually we're pretty sure you're the father."
Matt swallowed hard. His throat had suddenly dried up. "Umm... okay -- that's good -- I think... Is that good or bad? I think it's pretty cool..."
"Yeah -- look, don't worry. We probably should have told you two years ago... We're okay with everything."
"Boy or girl?" Matt asked.
"A boy! Catherine even named him Matthew... She says she knew when she conceived and you were the one... Plus the kid looks just like you."
"Well this is great! Awesome! Do I get to meet the little fellow?"
"Sure! That's why I'm calling... How about we get together on the weekend? We could meet up somewhere."
"Well, I'm living at the farm these days so that's only a few hours drive. I could come see you all at home."
"Or we could drive up there to the farm for the weekend if you'll have us," Len suggested.
"Hell yes! Anytime, buddy..."
"Okay... So, we'll see you Friday night."
Matt snapped his phone shut. "Jesus! I'm a father!"
That was on the Tuesday. By Friday afternoon he was a nervous wreck pacing back and forth on the veranda watching for a cloud of dust on the horizon that would indicate a car had turned off the road onto his driveway. And when it finally appeared his legs turned to jelly and he started feeling sick. And when the car pulled up at the bottom of the steps, there strapped in the back seat was a child that he immediately recognised as his own.
Catherine was in his arms though and after hugging him silly she kissed him squarely on the lips. "Is anyone else here?" she asked. "Uncle Frank's not here is he?"
"No -- just me and old Gus down at his house." He could feel Catherine's body through the thin summer dress she was wearing. She had no bra or panties on, although she had something scrunched in her hand that could have been panties.
She pulled him inside the house as he was calling a hello to Len. She led him up the hall. "Which is your bedroom?" she asked, and when he indicated which one she led him in there and pushed him back on the bed.
Matt ended up propped there on his elbows as she dropped to her knees and started undoing his jeans. She was smiling through her blush. "Is this all right?" she asked sweetly.
"Sure it is," Matt said in reply. She had his cock out and she took it in her mouth. "Yeah, that's definitely all right..."
She was sucking the head and lashing it with her tongue and then bobbing her head and using her lips to stroke the shaft. He was fully erect within a minute or so. "I want you to f*ck me," she said as she released his cock and climbed up over his body. "You want to f*ck me don't you?"
Matt flipped her onto her back and hiked her dress up over her tits. He sucked on one while pushing his jeans down his thighs.
"I'm already sooo wet Matt," Catherine uttered. "and you're driving me crazy... could you just put it in me... please?"
She was more than wet -- she was slick, and extremely hot. And internally she was on fire and her inner walls clamped around his cock.
"Ohhhh god I've been wanting... mmmm OHHHH f*ck me!!!" Catherine moaned into his mouth as he tried to kiss her. And she smiled as she whispered in his ear "Like Kid Rock says, f*ck me like we're strangers."
Matt's jeans were still around his thighs but they were down far enough to clear his balls, and his balls were soaked in Catherine's hot juices and slapping against her butt with each thrust of his hips. Her body convulsed in orgasm almost immediately but he fucked her through that and jammed up inside of her as hard as he could to shoot his load. She held his butt and ground her boiling hot gash against the base of his cock, and he pumped a massive load of sperm into her.
After he had finished ejaculating he was being pushed off and he laid there watching Catherine wriggle into the panties she had in her hand. "We had better go and help Len - and you have to meet Matty," she said, kissing him quickly and then crawling back over his body. "Come on," she said, smiling back from the open door.
Len was carting all sorts of things into the house. There were bags, toys and a portable cot that Matt helped Len set up in the bedroom they would be using. "She jumped me, Len. Nothing I could do buddy -- sorry!"
"No, that's okay. She said she was going to drag you into the bedroom as soon as we got here."
"Oh... So that's cool then? You don't mind if we pick up from where we left off?"
"No -- not at all... Help yourself all weekend. I think you'll find she's more than willing."
Catherine came in and dumped her child into Matt's arms then stepped away to look back from beside Len. "See! Tell me he's not the image of Matt."
"Actually, I've got some baby photos here somewhere and you'd swear this little fellow was in them," Matt said.
"Oh, really! Can I see them?" Catherine enthused.
"Yeah but I'll have to find them."
"Well, let's look! I'll help," she went on excitedly.
The whole thing was kind of surreal. Matt had a child sitting in the crook of his arm poking at his whiskery chin who was his own flesh and blood -- without a doubt. And Catherine was back, when he never expected to see or hear from her again -- and he had already fucked her. "Try that suit case in the corner," he said to her. There was an old leather case with things from when he moved from his parents home. "That's it -- the red and white album..."
Len had joined in and Catherine opened the photo album on the bed. She found his baby photo page. "Yes! Look at that, Len!"
"Yeah -- you called it," Len agreed. "There's no doubt about it," he added, slapping Matt on the back.
"I knew all along," Catherine said sweetly, looking up at Matt. "I knew Matty was yours before he was born. I even know when I conceived."
"It's true," Len said. "She said it was you all along -- right from when we found out she was pregnant."
"Wow -- that's amazing," Matt offered, still trying to get his head around the fact that he was suddenly a daddy, and the baby was wriggling so Catherine took him saying he needed a bath and some dinner.
Matt and Len had a beer on the veranda and were joined by the property caretaker, old Gus. Catherine came out after she had put Matty down. She looked beautiful in her clingy little dress with her tits jiggling around. Gus was all over her for hugs and kisses and his big gnarled old hands squeezed and explored a little as he rubbed and patted her affectionately. Catherine even stayed by his side for a while and he kept a hand around her and resting upon her side with his thumb pressing up under her breast.
Gus stayed for dinner and had another squeeze of Catherine before he went home. She then went to her bath and Matt and Len had another beer and chat on the veranda.
"So, how long are you staying?"
"Tonight and Saturday night... We'll have to head off before lunch on Sunday. I've got work Monday."
"That's good though. Plenty of time to catch up... We could go into town tomorrow for lunch."
"So you're not expecting anyone up from the city this weekend?" Len asked pointedly. "Uncle Frank's not coming up, or either of his brothers?"
"No. It's just me and Gus these days. You're not disappointed are you?"
"No. I'm relieved actually... The mood Catherine's in they'd eat her alive and we were hoping it would be only you that umm..." Len paused awkwardly. "Well, the thing is, Catherine would like to have another baby and we've been trying for a fair while without any success." He took a breath and continued. "And we were hoping you might -- you know -- help out, so to speak."
"I think I already did," Matt said flatly, and he smiled. "Hell yes, I want to help out! As many times as I can in what -- thirty six hours!"
"Yeah, well, that's kind of what Catherine has in mind too... Thus the running start a couple of hours ago."
"And you really don't mind?" Matt asked seriously.
Len lowered his voice guardedly. "Can you keep something between you and I?"
"Yeah, sure."
"The thing is -- I had some tests when I was in my early twenties, before I even met Catherine, and there was some indication back then that I might not be able to do the deed successfully. So now I'm pretty sure that's turned out to be true and I really don't want to go through the process of whatever other options we might have. Especially since we've already got little Matty, and really, if we're to have another child it would be just as well that they are full blooded siblings."
"So Catherine doesn't know about your tests when you were younger?"
"No. I should have told her but again -- Matty came along and there's been no need to go there, until now that she's desperate for another baby that is."
Matt offered what support he could. "That's a tough break for you -- not being able to father a child..." He then smiled, "but again -- I'm happy to help out."
"I'll bet you are," Len chuckled, jostling Matt's shoulder playfully. He was pleased that the guy who was responsible for getting Catherine pregnant was at least likable.
Catherine came from her bath wearing a satin negligee that was too short to cover her little panties. Len went to his shower and she sat on Matt's lap. She smelled beautiful and her breath was hot against his neck. "Do you want to f*ck me again?" she asked sweetly.
Matt lifted her and carried her to his bed. She was totally submissive that time. When he removed her panties her legs fell open and she had her fingers in his hair while he licked into her hot little gash. Not that she needed any stimulation, as she was again slick and ready for penetration.
"Did Len tell you?" she asked softly.
"He said you're trying to fall pregnant again," Matt said as he kissed his way up over her belly.
"I'm actually ovulating right now," she uttered. "I've been taking my temperature and it's right now..."
"Is that why you're so hot and wet?" Matt was sucking her nipples -- moving from one to the other and enjoying the feel of her tits. His cock was fully erect and she was rubbing it with her thigh.
She moaned as he pressed fingers into her pussy and started fucking her a little with them. "Whenever you want me tomorrow just say so, okay... You can have me whenever you want."
Matt moved up her body and replaced his fingers with his cock, slipping into her and beginning with a slow rotation of his hips -- remaining fully inserted and more or less humping her. The thought of her being fertile and ready for impregnation was making his cock ache it was so hard.
"That feels nice," she moaned softly into his ear. "You're going to make me cum if you keep doing that."
"That's what I want," Matt whispered, biting into her neck. "I want to feel you cum on my cock before I give it to you."
"Ohh you are giving it to me though," she breathed, panting a little and writhing around. Matt was still fully up her and still humping with the rotation of his hips and she was grinding hard against him. Her nails were digging into his back and her tits were squashed against his chest. "Oh god," she cried, bucking and suddenly convulsing.
"Yeah, that's it -- cum for me," Matt whispered. "You're so fucking tight when you cum," he groaned, crushing her to his body and holding firmly up her while her searing hot inner walls gripped his shaft and pulsed as if trying to milk his balls.
He held firmly up her until her orgasm began to subside then he started fucking her. He supported himself on his elbows and held the top of her head to keep her body still, and he fucked her with long powerful strokes, grinding hard against her with each inward thrust. "Now I'm going to give it to you," he gasped. "Are you ready?"
"Uh huh... give it to me please! Please!"
"Oh f*ck, here it is... Ooh yeah -- can you feel that?" He felt like he was cumming even harder than the last time. It was another massive load and Catherine's pussy was again clamped around his shaft, continuing to throb after he had emptied his balls completely. He kissed her hard and she responded passionately. He remained inside of her for a long time after her body had relaxed, just slowly moving and enjoying the feel of her sloppy little pussy.
When Matt finally rolled off he cuddled up behind her and they pulled a sheet up and went to sleep. He woke sometime in the early hours and entered her from behind. She ground her pussy back against him and presented him with access for full penetration when he was ready to cum. She had her back arched and her hips tilted, and he forced his cock in deep and pumped another healthy volume of sperm into her.
When he went back to sleep Catherine slipped from in front and checked on her baby, then put on fresh panties before getting into bed with her husband. He cuddled up behind her and held her close.
In the morning Matt had an opportunity to play with his son and even take him in the pool for a float around. Afterwards Len took little Matty to town and left Catherine at the farm with Matt and old Gus. Gus had come up for lunch and decided to hang around the pool where Catherine was dangling her feet in bikini pants and a shirt that was open far enough to see her breasts were bare beneath it.
"Gus was hoping it would be like last time," Matt informed Catherine. "He was very excited when I told him you were coming."
"Like last time?" Catherine blushed. "You mean..?"
"Yeah -- I'm pretty sure you're the last woman he's been with. Which is what -- three years?"
"Oh no! Doesn't he have any lady friends? He's not bad looking for his age."
Matt shrugged. "Don't think so..."
As they spoke Gus was lying back in a deck chair with his eyes closed. Catherine's blush returned and she bit down on her lip. "Do you want me to do something for him? I could suck him off again. I know he enjoyed that last time."
"Of course he enjoyed it," Matt chuckled. "He'd die it if you went over there and woke him up with a nice slow blow job."
"I don't know... Should I?" Catherine said, shifting nervously.
"I'd like to watch you do it... It would be hot watching you suck cock but after that I might need to take you inside."
"Oh? That sounds nice," Catherine teased.
"Well, go on then... See if you can unzip him and get it in your mouth before he wakes up."
Catherine approached the old man and folded a towel to kneel on. She got down on her knees and glanced back at Matt. He was grinning and motioned for her to keep going. She gently lifted the zipper to Gus' shorts, watching his face intently. He didn't stir as she lowered it, and beneath she found white underpants with the opening in front. She held her breath as she reached in and found his flaccid p*n*s. She carefully freed it and closed her eyes as she sucked it into her mouth.
The first response from the old man was a gentle thrust of his pelvis and as that happened his p*n*s firmed up somewhat. Catherine kept sucking on the head and she started bobbing and massaging the lengthening shaft with her lips. She opened her eyes and looked up to find old Gus smiling down at her. "Hi," she said as she kissed down to his balls and gently sucked on one of them. "Do you want me to take my top off while I do this?" she asked him sweetly.
"Just open it... I like seeing them through an open blouse, love."
Catherine undid the rest of her buttons while continuing to suck on the old man's cock. She then closed her eyes again as he reached into her blouse and started feeling her breasts. His p*n*s had firmed to what must have been his full erection and she continued to suck on the head while stroking the shaft with her wet little hand. It took some time but finally his p*n*s hardened even more and several thick jets of cum gushed into her mouth.
She swallowed while gently massaging his balls and continuing to suck on the swollen head, and when she couldn't taste anymore semen coming from the tip she put his p*n*s away and zipped him up again. "Did you like that?" she asked, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand.
"Been dreaming about that since last time," Gus said, grinning like an old fool.
Catherine was then taken inside and up the hall to the bedroom. She clung to Matt's powerful body as he fucked her and filled her with more cum. She didn't orgasm that time but that night he mounted her from behind and pounded her through multiple orgasms before finally unloading and collapsing beside her exhausted.
The next morning there was a leisurely breakfast before packing up the car. Catherine strapped little Matty in and asked her husband to wait a few minutes. She led Matt back into the house and turned to him, slipping into his arms and kissing him softly. "Do you want me again before I go?" she asked.
"Yeah, I do... I've been thinking if there would be a chance."
"Just quickly then," Catherine uttered. She had on another of her little summer dresses and she turned and rubbed back against Matt's body then bent forward and held the back of the sofa.
Matt felt under her dress and stretched her panties aside. "Yes, leave them on and f*ck me through the side," she said as she watched back over her shoulder, blushing.
Once again she was slick, and Matt freed his cock and slipped it into her. He bent over her back and felt up under her dress for her tits. She had a bra on but he lifted that and got his hands on them bare. He started fucking her with deep strokes as she tilted her hips and presented herself to him "Don't hold back," she whispered. "Just cum in me..." And as he started to ejaculate she lifted and pressed herself back against him, impaling herself on his throbbing shaft and suddenly convulsing into orgasm.
When Matt's spent cock slurped from her she smoothed her panties back into place and fixed her bra. She didn't say any more but quickly kissed him and left without looking back. Once out on the road she closed her eyes with the warm tingling in her belly gradually subsiding. She could feel the wet crotch of her panties though and she thought of the fact that she was almost certainly pregnant.
Len looked over at his wife with a light smile on her face and her hands resting upon her belly. He knew she had just been fucked again and he fought back a tear of his own at the thought of her womb being filled right then with another man's sperm. There was a knot in his throat and he swallowed dryly and took a breath to compose himself and make sure he gave nothing away. "So, are you happy now, sweetheart?" he asked cheerily, placing his hand over hers. "Do you think you might be..?"
"Oh, I'm sooo happy Len! And I know I'm pregnant again... I just know it!"
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