Friday, June 1, 2012


It was an early spring day in Maine. Ms. Malone, my Englishteacher, had just completed her lecture on contemporary Americanliterature. Throughout her talk, all I could see were her boobsbouncing up and down inside her blouse. I tried, but failed, todecide whether they were enclosed in a bra or not. Sometimes theyappeared to act independently, other times they appeared to workin tandem. The indecision did not really matter - regardless ofwhat contained them, they looked great from my seat. Every moveshe made added to my growing imagination of what I would like todo to her. Not only her tits, but her *ss - how it flowed beneathher dress. And that slight hump just above her crotch, promisingdelights beyond my imagination if only they would all be exposed.But I was only 18, and she must have been 27. There would neverbe such a chance.


      My wife, Rae and I (my name's Dom) have been married for 10 years.Overall, we have a good relationship and most importantly, we have become goodfriends. As what happens with many married couples though, our sex life hastaken a back seat to family obligations, children and work. At times, thiscould be extremely frustrating to both of us. We needed something to put thespark back in our sex lives, to give us something to look forward to.


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